In order for all patients throughout Sweden to receive equal, high-quality care, there is a national care program for brain tumours. The treatment rests on several pillars, surgery, radiotherapy, cytostatics, TTFields and is adapted depending on the individual case. Contact your doctor if you want to know more about the different treatment options for glioma, WHO grade 4.
The goal of the surgery is to remove as much of the tumor as possible. In connection with this, a tissue sample (biopsy) is taken and sent for diagnostics.
This form of treatment involves sending high-energy radiation towards the tumor,
which can lead to the death of the tumour cells. This treatment is given on an outpatient basis.
Treatment with cytostatics is given to kill tumor cells. The most common chemotherapy is temozolomide (TMZ). Usually, the cytostatic is given together with radiotherapy. Thereafter, TMZ is recommended together with Optune as maintenance therapy.
Tumour Treating Fields (Optune)
Optune is a portable device that delivers TTFields, electric fields preset to have optimal influence on cancer cell division and thus inhibit tumor growth without negatively affecting healthy dormant cells.
Talk to your doctor or contact nurse if you want to know more about treatment with Optune.